I have read, and read again, Lucio Russo's book "La
Rivoluzione Dimenticata" (Ed. Feltrinelli); it is
instructing and amusing.
Tu understand it, however, I had to improve my knowledge of
ancient history, in general, and of the many persons that
he mentions, in particular.
These data are interesting as such, and allow to follow L.
Russo's demonstrations of his "theorems" on the
origin of our scientific knowledge. I have gathered a few
notes; in alphabetic order:
Antikythera gearbox; a few corroded parts which
changed our view of hellenistic technology, and are the subject
of university seminars!
Pictures.htm, images
and links to the original papers.
Samples of greek art through the centuries.
A graphic of
the level of of scientific studies during and after hellenism.
degli studi scientifici durante l'ellenismo e dopo.
A general chronology
Rome : a short
story and its Mediterranean expansion
Mathematicians (chronol.)
Historians and Writers
Loose chronologies
Greek Culture: :
Astronomy, Hellenism, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, Books,
Navy, Mathematics, Medecine, Navigation, Science, History,
Greek Pottery, Measuring Units.
The Mediterranean,
ancient Greece, Alexandria.
Some of the 7 wonders
of ancient world, and a site
about them.
Eratosthenes the surveyor
of the world.
Ancient charts .
An excellent and inexpensive book of ancient maps is: The
Penguin Atlas of Ancient Greece; also available
in french, (Atlas de la Grèce Antique, Èd. Autrement).
For immediate use, I have gathered here a
few maps.
TheI Greek mathematicians
from 600 b.C. al 500 a.D. ( chronology)
Short notes on:
Ancient mathematics
Greek astronomy
The arabs
Pi and the circle measure
Leonardo Pisano, also named fi'Bonacci
The History
site of the St Andrews university lists the byographies of
hundreds of mathematicians. Incidentally:
- the TimelineA
shows that all the mathematicians until 400 AD are
...greeks, and
- the TimelineB
shows that almost all mathematicians between 500
AD and 1300 AD were... arab.
and scientists (300 a.C - 500 d.C. ca)
All, or almost all, the persons quoted in L. Russo's book.
And a short
version of the same list
By branches (most significant persons) :
Sources are over-abundant. For those with little time to
invest, I have enclosed some summaries (Ital., printable).
The Greek
A modern reconstruction and
trials of the ship who helped to preserve our western
Some Pictures of the project,
with a nice side-view of the
sailing ship..